Being part of the art community means supporting other artists. There are many ways to be involved in the community. The primary way is to participate and engage other artists. Go to their studios. See their work. Ask about their concepts behind the art and their inspirations. Attend their gallery openings and exhibitions. See art museum exhibits together. Find out where they studied art and ask about the teachers that inspired them the most. Exchange art work with them and start collecting. Discover who are their most creative students and proteges. Discuss art, artists and art events.

Recently I decided to purchase two wonderful drawings by Ted Houston.

He has been drawing all his adult life and his talent at figure drawing shines through. I put these two drawings in the hands of a skilled professional framer. The figures now jump off the page with sensual form even more so.

We support and encourage each other. But most of all, I admire his talent, his persistence at his craft and the way he sees a figure in a sensual, artful, yet gentle manner. His eye is fine tuned resulting in fine organic lines; not linear and jagged. I appreciate the years of study, long hours and hard work represented by these beauties. Keep making your art, Ted. You have my support.