RO2 Gallery CHAOS!9 Group Art Exhibition

Excited to have Landscape 104 and Landscape 105 paintings included in the CHAOS!9 Group Art Exhibition that will be on view from  July 15, 2023 to September 17, 2023 at Ro2 Art Projects, 1501 S. Ervay, Dallas, TX 75215.

Opening reception on Saturday evening, 7pm – 10pm, July 15, 2023.

RO2 Gallery
1501 South Ervay Street, Dallas, TX 75215

Started while in Santa Fe, NM surrounded on the East by the Sangre de Christo Mountains and on the West by the Jemez Mountains. At 7000 feet altitude, blue skies and brilliant sunshine, it is an inspiring location to paint the topology and undulations of the Earth’s unique surface.



Arcadia Art Show Vol7 2023

Thankful to have END OF THE SEASON painting selected for the Arcadia Art SHowVol7 – an international juried art show hosted in the Arcadia Theater in historic downtown Tyler, TX, which is currently the headquarters of Martin Walker Law firm. This art exhibit is on view from  May 13, 2023 to June 23, 2023. AASH Vol7 was juried this year by Alex Schulte, an art collector based in Berlin, Germany.

Opening reception on Saturday evening, May 13, 2023 starting at 5pm.

Arcadia Theater
Martin Walker P.C. downtown Tyler, TX
121 N. Spring Ave, Tyler, TX 75702




Tom Peyton Memorial Arts Festival

LANDSCAPE 106 and BOULDER FIELD paintings were selected for the Tom Peyton Memorial Arts Festival. The Annual Arts Festival of First United Methodist Church, Alexandria, Louisiana, was established in 1967 to encourage use and understanding of the arts as a means of healthy expression. This art exhibit iwas on view from  April 21 – 30, 2023.

Excited that BOULDER FIELD was awarded the Merit Award by this year’s Juror.

Tom Peyton Memorial Arts Festival was juried this year by representational artist Philip R. Jackson, who is a Professor of Art at the University of Mississippi in Oxford where he currently teaches and heads the painting area.

The opening reception was on Friday evening, April 21, 2023.

First United Methodist Church
2727 Jackson St, Alexandria, LA 71301




Vermont Studio Center Art Residency

I’m excited to announce that I have been selected for a three-week Artist Residency at Vermont Studio Center located in Johnson, Vermont. The residency will be March 12, 2023 until April 1, 2023. I look forward to this residency – a place to truly get away to clear one’s head, spark new creative thoughts and ideas. Being in this creative environment with twenty other writers and visual artists helps the creative juices flow. Under these circumstances, its a trigger to try something new such as experiment with new painting mediums or jump into a larger project that requires dedicated time and concentration. After decompressing into this unique environment, there is space to discover where and how I want to grow my art practice or next body of work. I’m grateful to live, work and play in snowy Vermont and explore the scenery. I’m eager to kick off this journey and flow with the adventure. Follow my journey through social media; let’s stay in touch.

Let’s keep in touch online using Instagram, Facebook,YouTube or e-mail. See links below. JulieEnglandArt Facebook and Instagram pages are typically updated once or twice per week.




Julie England’s Journey by Prime Women Media on YouTube

This 7 minute video captures Julie England’s Journey: from Businesswoman to Artist and Oil Painter.

I am most grateful to Prime Women Media for sharing my story on their YouTube Channel 

and Prime Women website. READ MORE:

My hope is that by sharing this story, it helps one person manage through a major change in their life,

Contemplative Art Making

I recently read according to the Center for Contemplative Mind in Society, “Art-making is a contemplative practice that affects us internally, through our thoughts and emotions, as well as externally, through the creation of object and images that can serve as sources of inspiration…”  Contemplative art may be somewhat divided into two categories: Process and Product. My artwork is a combination of contemplative and descriptive. However, during my daily practice, contemplation rules. I enjoy being in the flow of the process day-to-day. There is often a stepping back to ask “What could I do next? What could I do differently with color, shape, form or line? Is it finished or would one more mark help or hurt?”.



Group of Five, 3-Day Studio Open House

Grateful to host my first multi-artist pop-up art exhibition with four fabulous artists in Dallas, TX in the GROUP OF FIVE, 3-Day Exhibition that was on view from  November 3, 2022 to November 5, 2022. Thanks to all of our visitors.

   Cassandra Black
   Julie England
   Lin Medlin
   Nishiki Sugawara-Beda
   Mary Vernon

England Art Studio
135 Howell Street, Dallas, TX 75207

In 2022, I am celebrating the eleven-year anniversary of starting to oil paint. It’s been a pleasure to walk this path and enjoy the journey. This quote expresses well how each step built on the prior step; there is an experiential learning that cannot be cut short. “The reality is, improving yourself does not happen overnight. It takes a lot of time, and it helps to have a purpose driving you forward. There is so much potential in each of us. Pursue something that will put a smile on your face and don’t put limits on yourself. You may be amazed at what you accomplish.”